FREE PLAY A work for Catwalk: Forces of Nature at Textile Festival Twente

Some say he was the strongest and fastest horse in the world. If they only knew he thought to himself. Because he definitely was strong and fast, but he could never catch the wind, he couldn't avoid the sun nor the rain. He had tried it again and again, and he got stronger and faster, but not strong and fast enough. Until, one day, he stopped, just like that, in the sun. He felt the warmth on his body and he thought, that's it, now I am the sun. He stood there and stood there, until a raindrop fell on his nose. And another one. In less then no time he moved with them. Before he knew it, he piled himself up for shelter. And the wind? The wind brought him to a thousand different places in an instant. Never before the horse felt that grant.
We transformed the image of the 'Twentse Ros' (Twente stallion) - a symbol of regional pride and identity - to a monumental work that will change through the seasons and in the end even partially decay. The skeleton will however always remain. Just like the once big and flourishing textile industry of Twente seemingly disappeared. The basis, the skeleton, the knowledge and the history also remained and are ready to be revived. The sculpture is on view until November 2021 in the historical Twickel estate​ at the beautiful property of museum farm Wendezoele, at the crossroads of the Twickelerlaan and the Bornestraat.
For this work we mostly used local materials. The head of the horse is made of horsehair textile woven by A.C. ter Kuile. This historical product has been produced in Twente since before the Second World War. Ter Kuile is one of the few companies that survived the hard times the textile industry was facing since the 1960's.
We also used fabrics woven from recycled yarns by industrial weaving mill Enschede Textielstad and Douglas wood from sawmill Twickel.