Kaplum Toys in Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam

We have very exciting news! Since a few weeks we have been preparing the launch of our toys in the museum shop of the Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam. It is a great opportunity for us. We are very lucky with the manager of the shop, who is open to all sorts of things and supports us with new ideas and projects. She also gave us the freedom to design the shop window! We are going to make a very cheerful, colourful display for our whales. If you take the ferry behind Central Station Amsterdam next month, you might already see them from far... A beautiful thing about this collaboration with the Filmmuseum shop is that they are actively looking for a way to have less plastic in their shop and to only sell environmentally friendly products. As you know, Kaplum is very driven to completely stop the plastic waste material in our kids lives. It is great to see that shops also become more and more conscious about the plastic crisis.
Friday 1st of April we will be at the Eye Filmmuseum in between 11h and 17h to set up the shop window and to cheer up the shop with our colourful plastic-free soft toys. If you happen to be in the neighbourhood or if you like to pass by to see what we are doing, you are very welcome!
And…let’s spread the word about the Filmmuseum shop as a place to buy beautiful plastic-free gifts for children! It would be great if we could help the shop to also become a local place to find gifts, instead of only a shop where you might take a look after you saw a movie. Our whales are only the beginning. There will be more, exclusively designed movie-related, toys to come… We will keep you updated!