Meet the Maker: Portrait

This is our family: Alper (top left), Anna (bottom left), our 4 year old son (bottom right) and, since he is mesmerized by the idea that he once was a baby, he also drew himself as a baby (top right).
Even before he could talk our son already loved Björk. He keeps on asking us to visit her house so she can teach him singing like she does.
When Alper was 29 he hopped on a desert motor behind his friend. In a rush and full of youthful optimism they drove all the way from Turkey to Amsterdam - through mountains and a snowstorm with only short pants and a spring jacket - to start his studies at the Rietveld Academy and end up in the same class as Anna.
In the meantime, Anna was dreaming about going to Iceland or the Arctic circle and developing a friendly obsession for polar bears. No wonder she didn’t pay any attention to a boy from the warm Mediterranean. It was only 5 years later, when a friend dragged her to see an exhibition she actually didn’t want to visit, that she met Alper again and finally noticed him.